This might be Delhi's date with porn star Sunny Leone. Mahesh Bhatt, who enters the "Bigg Boss" house on Wednesday to speak to her about starring in his film "Jism 2", says that if she agrees, she might be shooting in Delhi.
"Because of its beauty and exotic appeal, Delhi has been my preferred location. And Pooja (Bhatt, his daughter) also prefers Delhi, which is why we've decided to shoot a few portions of "Jism 2" here," says Bhatt. However, the film won't have DU characters. "The female protagonist will not be a DU student, but a small town girl. So if Sunny accepts the offer, she'll be playing a girl from Himachal, maybe Shimla or Nainital, who shifts to Delhi. The movie is about how she survives in that world and gets into the most bizarre zones. It'll be shot in the city's discotheques, and we'll capture its fast life and the drug scene here. The movie will essentially focus on how the character lives on the edge," he says.
Is he apprehensive about negative reactions from the audience about casting a porn star? "Those who give business to the sex industry also condemn it. The people who ridicule a porn star would not be brave enough to admit that they themselves have an insatiable appetite for porn. Otherwise, how can it become a hundred billion dollar industry? I was 11 or 12 when I learnt about the female anatomy through dirty pictures that made their way to school. But today, kids are introduced to porn much earlier; we know what parents got through," he says, adding, "We are living in the age of test tube babies, wombs on rent and sperm donation. I think the idea of looking down upon a porn star is passe; it needs to be junked into the dustbin of history. The truth is that people watch Sunny every day on a TV show and she is a part of our household now."
And why is he considering Sunny? "Bold entertainers have always caught my imagination because I feel that life is not what it appears to be for them. The struggle they go through is what made me choose Sunny. Beyond the glamour of the porn star, there is her dark, painful journey - that's what I want to explore, provided Sunny allows me to. But the movie will not be her autobiography. Sunny is of Indian origin and looks decent to me, but there is a residue of the struggle which is also visible, and that is true for every entertainer, not just a porn star. If she has shed her clothes and entertained people through porn movies, she has also shed her inhibitions. But to shed your clothes is one thing, and to allow people to access your inner being is something else."
Courtesy :TOI
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